
Watch below as past fasters share their experiences.  There are many conditions that respond well to fasting and a few that may not, so if you have questions about whether you are a good candidate for fasting, please book a complimentary consultation with Dr. Gershfeld. 

Video Testimonials

Improved Blood Pressure, Inflammation, and Digestion after a Water Fast!

Fasting for Auto-immune disease, inflammation, and pain

18 day & 12 day water-only fast

Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure

John & Megan 7 day water-fast

Headaches and Neck Pain

Severe Arthritis

Meniere's Disease


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Read Sharme’s story about her remote fast by clicking the link below.


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Read about Shelley Watts’ journey from sick and tired to healthy and vibrant.

Read Article Here

Written Testimonials

"From my first phone call with Dr. Gershfeld, I knew that he was the professional that would serve me best. I found him to be accessible, knowledgeable, kind, generous, and highly intelligent. He has been all that, and more.

I hired Dr. Gershfeld as my coach and mentor to help me in reversing some lab/blood results that were leading me into pre-diabetes. I was looking for an expert to guide me into a whole foods, plant-based diet where I could use food as medicine. Dr. Gershfeld's talent and brilliance far surpassed my expectations. Within eight weeks of working with Dr. Gershfeld, many of my goals were already met, including the loss of 25 pounds.

Dr. Gershfeld is an honest, competent, supportive, sincere man who made leaning into this lifestyle very simple and easy for me and my family. I will forever value his feedback, his input, his genius, and how generously he shared his resources with me. Thank you for your caring, for being so thorough, and for your commitment to my health and overall well-being."

"I took part in Dr. Gershfeld's services as a remote patient. He offers "at home" fasting where he checks in and guides you daily. I went to an AirBnB, I did not attempt this at home--too many distractions, temptations and stress of projects left undone. I do not recommend doing this at home, but at an AirBnB it was perfect.

I did 7 days fasting and took 5 full days for re-feeding and recovery before going home.Dr. Gershfeld's depth of knowledge and expertise is impressive. This experience opened my eyes to the power of fasting as a healing tool and the difference it can make when done correctly. Not only does he give a captivating class, but he gives specific, detailed, step by step guidance to dramatically heal the body and subsequently how to keep it that way.I had no idea of the intricacies and chemical reactions involved in fasting.

Through Dr. Gershfeld's information and instruction (videos, Zoom lectures, reading materials) I've lost 10 pounds, eliminated painful joints, cleared my skin and feel younger than I have in the last decade. I'm 57 and feel more like my 40's again.I won't say that fasting is fun, but it is an interesting experience. I can't thank Dr. Gershfeld enough for spending the time with me each day to not only review my vital signs, but to answer all the questions I had regarding what was happening to my body each day.
It was incredibly reassuring. Do not try this on your own, there are too many things you just can't research enough. Fortunately, now with this remote service you don't have to. It's an affordable option to traveling to the center and gives you the safety and assurance you need to heal effectively.

I highly recommend Dr. Gershfeld's services to anyone who wants to improve their health, well-being and longevity."

"Dr. Gershfeld was indispensable to my first fasting process. I couldn't afford to go to a center so I was referred to him by Dr. Alan Goldhamer from True North Health. It was my first fast, which lasted about 3 weeks. Dr. Gershfeld has an amazing, personable, and thorough practice which kept me safe and supported as I fasted from home. He called me everyday to check my blood pressure and weight and to answer any questions I had. I saw him in the office once a week to do bloodwork and check-in in person. Once I broke the fast he kept tabs on how I was refeeding and even got me juice to drink! I highly recommend him for any nutritional consultations. He is a very down to earth, present, knowledgeable and truly altruistic doctor."