As 2023 winds down, I wanted to share a favorite holiday recipe of mine. About 15 years ago, I was invited to a vegan day-before-Thanksgiving potluck. It was my first one since my diet change so I was eager to make something that I loved and finally avoid the typical “Wait, what is that? Is it vegan?” “Where’s the protein?” and on and on. So I started brainstorming all the things I enjoyed making that I thought other people would enjoy. And then disaster struck… I got an email from the host informing me that I was to bring a sweet potato dish. Some of you might not think that’s a bad thing, but up until that point, unfortunately, I disliked sweet potato. For some strange reason, even though I could happily indulge in sweets, sugary foods, and candies, sweet potatoes/yams just were oddly too sweet and so I never liked them. Even air-fried sweet potato fries didn’t appeal to me. But, I didn’t want to be THE guest who re-negotiates their responsibility so I set off to find a sweet potato dish I and others would enjoy. I’m proud to share this dish with you and hope that you enjoy it as well!

Step 1: The first step is to wrap the sweet potatoes/yams in foil and bake them at 500 degrees for about 60-75 minutes or until they are soft.

Step 2: While they are baking, carve out the “meat” of the oranges and set aside the empty halves

Step 3: Juice the oranges – you will not need all of the juice and if you don’t have a juicer, then store-bought orange juice is perfectly fine.

Step 4: Once the sweet potatoes/yams are baked and have cooled down, remove the skins. Put the skinless sweet potato/yams in a food processor, add in the spices & zest, and turn on the food processor. Drizzle in the orange juice until it reaches a soft pudding consistency.

Step 5: Scoop the pudding into the empty orange halves.

Step 6: Place a few mint leaves on each cup and sprinkle the pomegranates over each one.

Step 7: The final step is to lightly dust some extra cinnamon, and sprinkle a few drops of vanilla on them.
Keep them cool until they are ready to serve.
These pudding cups were a hit at the potluck and I hope you and your family and friends enjoy them as much as everyone else did. If you decide to make them, let me know how it goes. You can reply here or tag Fasting Escape on social media @FastingEscape with your pictures!
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